Monte Carlo Fundamentals



Monte Carlo calculations allow us to use random numbers to find approximate solutions to mathematical problems that may otherwise be too complicated to solve

There are many different ways in which this can help

The fundamental issue around all Monte Carlo analysis is that the results are approximate

Law of Large Numbers

Law of Large Numbers

The Law of Large Numbers states that if a large number of random events occur then the average outcome will converge on the expected outcome

It is also known as the law of averages

Sometimes it is used when to few trials have been used - this is known as Gambler's fallacy


If 1000 random numbers are drawn from the distribution $N(48,20^2)$ what is the probability that the average lies between 47 and 49


The sum of 1000 trials is $~N(48000, 1000 \times 20^2)$

So $P(47 < Average < 49) = P(47000 < Sum < 49000)$

= $(47000 < N(48000, 1000 \times 20^2) < 49000)$

= $1 - 2 \times P(N(48000, 1000 \times 20^2) < 47000)$

= $1- 2 \times P \left(N(0,1) < \frac{47000-48000}{\sqrt{400,000}}\right)$

= $1- 2 \times P \left(N(0,1) < -1.58114 \right) = 0.8862$

Example 2

If random numbers are drawn from the distribution $U(0,1)$ how many have to be drawn before the average is between 0.4999 and 0.5001 with a probability of 95%


Clearly $E(U(0, 1)) = 0.5$ but what is $Var(U(0,1))$

We use $Var(X) = E(X^2) - (E(X))^2$

$Var(X) = \displaystyle\int_0^1 x^2 dx - (0.5)^2$

$var(X) = \left[\frac{x^3}{3}\right]_0^1 - \frac{1}{4}$

$var(X) = \frac{1}{3} - \frac{1}{4} = \frac{1}{12}$

Then we need to assume that the central limit theorem will apply and so the sum of n trials will be:

$Sum \sim N\left(\frac{n}{2}, \frac{n}{12} \right)$

The average of n trials will be

$Sum\sim N\left(\frac{1}{2}, \frac{1}{12n} \right)$

By symmetry we need to solve:

$P \left(N\left(\frac{1}{2}, \frac{1}{12n} \right) < 0.4999 \right) = 0.025$

$=P \left(N\left(0, 1 \right) < \frac{0.4999 - \frac{1}{2}}{\sqrt{\frac{1}{12n}}} \right) = 0.025$

$\therefore \frac{0.4999 - \frac{1}{2}}{\sqrt{\frac{1}{12n}}} = -1.96$

$\therefore 0.0001 = 1.96 \times \sqrt{\frac{1}{12n}}$

$\therefore n=\frac{1}{12} \left(\frac{1.96}{0.0001} \right)^2 = 32,013,333$

Extension 1:

How many trials would we need to for the average to be between 0.49 and 0.51 with a probability of 95%

$\therefore n=\frac{1}{12} \left(\frac{1.96}{0.01} \right)^2 = 3,201$

Extension 2:

If we do 10,000 trials what accuracy would we expect?

Solve $\therefore n=\frac{1}{12} \left(\frac{1.96}{A} \right)^2 = 10,000$

$A = \frac{1.96}{\sqrt{12000}} = 0.005658$

therefore the 95% confidence interval is $(0.4943, 0.5057)$

Using VBA and Excel to Generate Random Numbers

Using VBA and Excel to Generate Random Numbers


In Excel we use the function rand() to generate a random number from $U(0,1)$


In VBA we use the function rnd() to generate a random number from $U(0,1)$


Test the above calculation by finding the average of 3,201 random numbers generated from $U(0,1)$ and test how many times it falls between 0.49 and 0.51.

Spreadsheet is here

Inverse CDF method

Inverse CDF method

We use the inverse CF method to generate random variables from different probability distributions given we can start from the uniform distribution

The steps are:

The diagrams below illustrate this:


Write a function which generates numbers randomly from a Weibull distribution

Remember the pdf is $f(x)=\frac{k}{\lambda} \left(\frac{x}{\lambda}\right)^{k-1}e^{-(x/\lambda)^k}$, for x >= 0 and 0 elsewhere

Hint: Use the substitution $u=e^{-(x/\lambda)^k}$ to calculate $F(x)$

This spreadsheet shows the method and compares the results with the theoretical pdf of the Weibull distribution

Box -Muller Algorithm


Can we apply the inverse c.d.f. method to the normal distribution?

No - because we cannot integrate the p.d.f

Fortunately there is an algorithm which we can use to produce randomly distributed normal variables

This is called the Box-Muller algorithm and it produces pairs of independent random variables from the standard normal distribution: $N(0,1)$


Let $U_1$ and $U_2$ be r.v.s from the uniform distribution $U(0,1)$ then if

$Z_1 = \sqrt{-2 ln U_1} cos (2 \pi U_2)$ and

$Z_2 = \sqrt{-2 ln U_1} sin (2 \pi U_2)$

then $Z_1$ and $Z_2$ are independent random variables both with a distribution of $N(0,1)$


Write a VBA routine to produce normal random variables using the Box-Muller algorithm

A spreadsheet can be found here

Is there a short cut we can use in excel?

Yes we can use normsinv(rand())

Is this as good as the Box Muller approach

No it is not as the normsinv function just uses a gaussian quadrature and is an approximation. (Albeit a very precise one)

How could we generate random numbers from the distribution $N(\mu, \sigma^2)$

Generate r.v. from $X \sim N(0,1)$ and then use $Y=\sigma \times X + \mu$

How would we generate lognormal r.v.s such as $Y \sim ln N(\mu, \sigma^2)$

First generate $X \sim N(0,1)$ then $Y= e^{\sigma \times X + \mu}$


The proof is motivated by thinking about polar coordinates as random variables and then mapping onto Cartesian coordinates.

We set up $R$ and $\Phi$ as random variables and note that:

$X=R cos \Phi$ and $Y=R sin \Phi$

we define $R=\sqrt{-2 ln (U_1)}$

so $P(R \le r)=P(-2 ln(U_1) \le r^2)$

$=P(ln(U_1) \ge -\frac{r^2}{2})$

$=1-P \left(U_1 \lt exp \left( - \frac{r^2}{2} \right) \right)$

As $U_1$ is uniform on $U(0,1)$ so we can say

$P(R \le r) = 1 - \displaystyle\int_0^{exp(-r^2/2)} dt = 1 - exp \left(-\frac{r^2}{2} \right)$

So we can differentiate the cdf to get the pdf and we see

$f_R(r)=exp\left(-\frac{r^2}{2} \right) \times r$ for $r \gt 0$

We define a new random variable $\Phi$ to be $\Phi=2 \pi U_2$

and we can see that: $f_{\Phi}(\phi)=\frac{1}{2 \pi}$ for $0 \lt \phi \le 2 \pi$

Given $U_1$ and $U_2$ are independent then so must $R$ and $\Phi$ be

so we can multiply pdf to get joint density functions so

$f_{R,\Phi}(r,\phi)=f_R(r) f_{\Phi}(\phi)=\frac{1}{2 \pi} exp \left( - \frac{r^2}{2} \right) . r$

so the probability that an event lies in a little bit of the $R - \Phi$ plane is:

$P=\frac{1}{2 \pi} exp \left( - \frac{r^2}{2} \right) . r .dr.d\phi$

But we are interested in random variables over the $X-Y$ plane not the $R-\Phi$ plane

So we need to equate probabilities for a little bit of the area of the $R-\Phi$ plane and the $X-Y$

i.e. $\frac{1}{2 \pi} exp \left( - \frac{r^2}{2} \right) . r .dr.d\phi = f_{X,Y}(x,y) dx dy$

geometrically we can see that $dr d\phi$ describes an area length $dr$ and width $r \times d\phi$ that is an area of $r \times dr d\phi$, whereas $dx dy$ simply describes an area of $dx \times dy$

So to transform from the $R-\Phi$ plane to the $X-Y$ plane we simply divide the pdf by $r$ and we have:

$f_{X,Y}(x,y) = \frac{1}{r} \times \frac{1}{2 \pi} exp \left( - \frac{r^2}{2} \right) . r$

$\therefore f_{X,Y}(x,y) = \frac{1}{2 \pi} exp \left( - \frac{r^2}{2} \right)$

$\therefore f_{X,Y}(x,y) = \frac{1}{2 \pi} exp \left( - \frac{x^2+y^2}{2} \right)$

$\therefore f_{X,Y}(x,y) = \sqrt{\frac{1}{2 \pi}} exp \left( - \frac{x^2}{2} \right). \sqrt{\frac{1}{2 \pi}} exp \left( - \frac{y^2}{2} \right)$

and so we have both $X$ and $Y$ are normally distributed and independent.

Where $X=R cos \Phi = \sqrt{-2 ln (U_1)} cos (2 \pi U_2)$

and $Y=R sin \Phi = \sqrt{-2 ln (U_1)} sin (2 \pi U_2)$


You will see in this proof echoes of the proof (page 1 and page 2) that the area under the normal distribution is 1

Inside the Random Number Generator

Inside the Random Number Generator

Computers cannot generate true random numbers as they only perform deterministic calculations.

If you really need true random numbers (and we generally do not) then this company takes atmospheric data to produce true random numbers

For our purposes we use pseudo random numbers which computers can generate.

The standard algorithm is called a linear congruential generator

Linear Congruential Generator

These are defined by a recurrence relationship such as:

$X_{n+1} = (a X_n + c)\ mod\ m$

The choice of $a,m$ and $c$ is critical to the effective working of the method.

Let's build a spreadsheet and see how this works

What factors do you think would make a good choice of $a,m$ and $c$

Try experimenting with different values until you have produced a good LCG

Excel random numbers

The random number generator in excel is also a pseudo random number generator but we can use it as if it produces true random numbers

Example Calculations
Simple Probability Calculation

Simple Probability Calculation

If you roll 4 dice what is the probability that the sum is 7

Try to do this calculation with a traditional probability method

Now try to use a Monte Carlo method

Answers in attached spreadsheet

Calculation of $\pi$

Calculation of $\pi$

The area of a circle is $A=\pi r^2$

Can you use this to develop a Monte Carlo algorithm to calculate $\pi$

Integration of Well Behaved Functions

Integration of Well Behaved Functions

When we price options we can use Monte Carlo methods but we can also use the Black-Scholes formula.

Why can two such different methods do the same thing

  • Because essentially Monte Carlo is about adding up lots of different values
  • So it is like an integration of sorts
  • The Black Scholes formula is proved by integrating over the possible share prices

Can you use a Monte Carlo method to find:

a) $\displaystyle\int_0^{\pi/2} sin (x) dx$

b) $\displaystyle\int_0^1 e^{-x^2/2} dx$

Is this a sensible method to use for these integrations?

a) No - this can be solved analytically

b) No - a quadrature technique should be used here

Integration of Poorly Behaved Functions

Integration of Poorly Behaved Functions

What about functions which cannot be solved analytically and would be unstable if quadrature techniques were applied

For example how about the calculation:

$\displaystyle\int_0^1 sin \left( \frac{1}{x} \right) dx$

Here you will find a Monte Carlo technique will give you a robust but approximate way of calculating the integral

Checks for Randomness and Independence

Checks for Randomness


Checking for randomness is just hypothesis testing where the null hypothesis is:

$H_0$: The numbers are random

$H_1$: They are not random

So to implement such a hypothesis test we need to think of features we would expect to see in truly random numbers

Do we need to check for randomness of normal variables if we use Box-Muller or other distribution if we use the inverse CDF method

No - as these begin with the $U(0,1)$ if we have properly verified randomness on $U(0,1)$ then randomness on the other distributions will follow

Interval test

On average we would expect the proportion of random numbers $X \sim U(0,1)$ that are less than $c$ to be $c$

We need to develop this into a more formal statistical test though so we realise than the number of random number less than $c$ will be binomially distributed

$X \sim Bin(N,c)$ where:

Given we are going to test with very large values of $N$ we can assume a normal distribution as so we assume

$X \sim N(Nc, Nc(1-c))$

Example 1

Suppose we run 10000 simulations and we find that 5200 of the random number are less than 0.5. Do we accept or reject the null hypothesis that our numbers are random

We expect $X \sim N(5000, 2500)$ and so our 95% confidence interval is $(5000 - 1.96 \times \sqrt{2500}, 5000 + 1.96 \times \sqrt{2500}) = (4902, 5098)$

How many numbers fall within a given set

We can easily extend the above test to any set on the interval $U(0,1)$

Why is this important

A sequence like 0.4, 0.6, 0.4, 0.6, 0.4, 0.6 will fool the above test

Example 2

Suppose we run 1,000,000 simulations from $U(0,1)$ and 803,000 of them fall between 0.1 and 0.9

Falling between 0.1 and 0.9 has a binomial distribution

$X \sim Bin(1000000 \times 0.8, 1000000 \times 0.8 \times 0.2) = N(800,000, 400^2)$

So again our 95% confidence interval is

$(800,000 - 1.96 \times 400, 800,000 + 1.96 \times 400) = (799216, 800784)$.

and we can reject $H_0$

Why might this test be particularly useful

We might be most concerned with the accuracy of our tail distribution analysis

Further Examples

We could also test how many random numbers are in the set $[0,0.1) \cup [0.2,0.3) \cup [0.4, 0.5) \cup [0.6, 0.7) \cup [0.8, 0.9)$

That is: do 50% of the random numbers have a first decimal place that is even

easily we could extend this to counting how many random number have a third decimal place which is even

How would you test for the third decimal place being even

if (x*500 - int(x*500) < 0.5) then

--- endif

Visual Frequency Test

We should not under-estimate the power of the human eye to detect problems with our random numbers

Many patterns that are difficult to detect by statistical methods will be instantly visible to the human eye


The method is very simple:

In purely statistical terms this is a mere extension of the above and does not really add anything, but any bias or pattern will be clearly visible

We cannot use this type of test to measure the extent of the randomness but only to detect any obvious unrandom patterns


Design an LCG: choose $m,a,c$ and $X_0$

Plot a histogram of the returns to see if any obvious non - random features are visible

Frequency Distribution Test

We can extend the above to look at the distribution of the frequency that numbers fall with each interval.

This is useful because simply counting across the interval $U(0,1)$ would fool the above test if it was done in sufficiently small intervals


We need an array to count the numbers of times we fall in each interval.

Supposing we subdivide the interval $U(0,1)$ into 100 intervals $U(\frac{n-1}{100}, \frac{n}{100})$

We then need to group our data into a frequency array

We finally need to compare this frequency array with the normal distribution we would expect to get if true randomness were being observed

This is slightly confusing as there is effectively a double frequency count going on. Lets look at an example

If we do 1000000 (1m) random numbers then we expect the number that are in the interval (0.230,0.231) to be $Bin(1000000, 0.001)$ or approximately $ N(1000, 999)$

In fact this is the same distribution for all the intervals

So we have 1000 numbers all from $ N(1000, 999)$

We then group these into a histogram and compare with the normal distribution


Design an LCG: choose $m,a,c$ and $X_0$

Perform the above statistical test, which should result in a spreadsheet with your histogram with the normal distribution overlaid on top


You could test whether individual frequencies in your histogram fell within an appropriate confidence interval

You could check that the number of frequencies that fell with a 95% confidence interval was about 95%

You could do a chi-squared test on the actual versus expected from the histogram


For truly random numbers each number will be completely independent of the previous one

Thinking back to the definition of independence

$f_{X,Y}(x,y) = f_X(x) \times f_Y(y) \space \forall x, y$

We also need independence of all preceding random numbers not just the previous one so our definition must extend to:

$f_{X_1,X_2,...,X_n}(x_1,x_2,..,x_n) = f_{X_1}(x_1) \times f_{X_2}(x_2) \times ... \times f_{X_n}(x_n) \space$

$\forall x_1, x_2, ..., x_n$

Really this is just another way of saying that whatever the values of $x_1, x_2, ..., x_{n-1}$ are the values of $x_n$ should be unaffected

We can test for this by selecting subsets of our random numbers $x_n$ such that the previous numbers $x_1, x_2, ..., x_{n-1}$ have any given property and do all the same randomness tests on this subset of $x_n$

Example 1

Suppose there is a strong serial correlation between successive values in our random number generator.

values of $x_n \gt 0.5$ would be more likely when the previous value was $x_{n-1} \gt 0.5$

selecting only those values of $x_n$ for which $x_{n-1} \gt 0.5$ and then testing that the proportion of these values is $Bin(n, 0.5)$ would cause a fail in $H_0$ of independence

Example 2

You are concerned that the random number generator tends to pick a number less than the previous one if the previous two numbers were higher than the one which preceded them


In the middle of your test algorithm:

  new_num(n) = my_LCG()
 loop until ((new_num(n-1)>new_num(n-2)) and (new_num(n-2)>new_num(n-3)))

new_num(n) is now in your subset of random numbers on which to perform tests

Take care

If $x_{n-1} \gt x_{n-2}$ what is $P(x_n > x_{n-1})$

One third

Variance Reduction Techniques

Variance Reduction Techniques

The big problem with Monte Carlo is that it is always an approximation

The solution is to do lots of runs

The problem with lots of runs is that they take time

However we can increase the rate of convergence using certain techniques which we call variance reduction techniques

Motivating example

Suppose I wish to calculate the expected value of $U(0,1)$

I could take 1000 random numbers from $U(0,1)$ and take the average of them

The standard deviation of my error would be $\frac{1}{\sqrt{12} \times \sqrt{1000}} = 0.009129$

The problem I have here is that I am taking numbers randomly from all over the line.

Suppose I wanted to do something more akin to numerical integration where we would go step by step across the interval adding up each number

The compromise solution is

Take a random number from $U(0,0.1)$ and then synthesise a number from each of $U(0.1, 0.2)$ etc by adding $0.1$ then $0.2$ etc to the original number

If we repeat this 100 times so that we have a total of 1000 random numbers (100 random + 900 generated) then

The variance of the first number is $\frac{1}{12} \times 0.1^2 = \frac{1}{1200}$

The variance of the average of the first 10 numbers is then the same: $\frac{1}{12} \times 0.1^2 = \frac{1}{1200}$

The variance of the 1000 numbers is then $\frac{1}{100} \times \frac{1}{12} \times 0.1^2 = \frac{1}{120000}$

and the standard error is $\sqrt{\frac{1}{120000}}=0.002887$

So the standard error is reduced by a factor of $\sqrt{10}$

This spreadsheet performs the experimental confirmation of this

Brownian Bridge

Brownian Bridge

Sometimes you may want to 'crawl' along a Brownian motion to check for features such as knockout options.

However this will slow down your calculation.

Brownian Bridge is a way of jumping to the end of the calculation and then going back and calculating interpolating values. You can then condition doing this on whether the final value is such that you believe a knockout value may have been hit.


Let $W_t$ be a standard Wiener process so $W_0=0$ and $W_t \sim N(0,t)$ and specifically $W_1 \sim N(0,1)$

Now suppose we generate one number for $W_1$ from the distribution $N(0,1)$ and this is $b$

And then we want to simulate a value for $X_{\frac{1}{2}}$ which is now our new Brownian motion conditioned on our value of $X_1=b$. We can directly prove how to do this but the easiest method is to propose the 'answer' and then show it works

So propose that $X_{\frac{1}{2}} | _{X_0=0, X_1=b} \sim \frac{b}{2} + Y$ where $Y \sim N(0,\frac{1}{4})$

We note here that the variance of $Y$ is $\frac{1}{4}$ NOT $\frac{1}{2}$ as we might instinctively expect for a $t=\frac{1}{2}$ Brownian motion. This is because this Brownian motion is constrained at both ends

Now lets remove $X_1=b$ from the filtration and consider just:

$X_{\frac{1}{2}} |_{ X_0=0} = \frac{1}{2}W_1 + Y \sim N(0,\frac{1}{4} + \frac{1}{4}) = N(0, \frac{1}{2})$

So $X_{\frac{1}{2}} |W_0 \cong W_{\frac{1}{2}}$

Hence we can say our value so constructed is indistinguishable from a directly calculated Wiener process value

Note on Rigour

The propose a solution and show it is right method seems a bit 'low brow' but it is perfectly valid and rigorous.

However there is one aspect of this problem we have missed:

We have not shown that the step from $X_{\frac{1}{2}}$ to $X_1$ is also a Wiener increment. This is easy to show and it is.

Other intervals

The same method works for other intervals

For the same problem of $W_1=b$ we can find any $W_t$ for $0 < t < 1$ by simulating $X_t = t + Y$ where $Y \sim N(0,t(1-t))$

You can show this as an extension exercise